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T.S.R. & E.R.R Govt. Degree College, Pamarru Krishna District.

As has been visualized by the promoters, the College is catering to the needs of the rural poor students, who cannot afford to go out for their higher studies. Now, sufficient infrastructure is mobilized; and well qualified and experienced faculty is existing in the college - to impart quality education to the students.
In order to create a suitable environment and mechanism for community participation in the planning and development of the Goverment Colleges, without interfering in the rules and regulations and day to day functions of the institution, a CPDC was proposed to be constituted in every college vide G.O.No.RC 300/Admn-1-2000 dt.1-8-2000, with the College Principal as the President of the CPDC and prominent and interested persons of the public as members. Following this, a CPDC was constituted in the College with 8 members from different fields and walks of life including two parent members of student.


T.S.R. & E.R.R Govt.Degree College, Pamarru Krishna District.


Our College Departments

Department Of Commerce

B.Com Honours General & B.Com Honours Computer Appilications

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Department Of Economics

B.A. Honours Economics

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Department Of History

B.A. Honours History

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